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Make Your Friends Excite by these SMS



• Friendship is when you have had a huge fight, deciding once for all... 'That's it', but then you decide to put aside your egos, hold hands & say, "I Need U..."

• Friendship is a cheque of $ HAPPY/- When u feel upset and alone withdraw it from my account; when u are too happy, deposit it in my heart !

• Count your garden by flowers, not fallen leaves. Count your life with smiles, not tears & when your life has reached its autumn, count your age by friends, not years.

• People say relations are made in heaven, but some get broken up here on Earth called Hell. But I got a friend like U, here in hell and made my life HEAVEN.

• A friend is a push when u r stopped, a guide when u r searchin , a song when u r glad, a word ven u r lonely, a smile when u r sad.

• Eyes r parents, Heart is lover, Brain is teacher, Brothers & Sisters r fingers, but a loving Friend is Blood! So always keep flowing regularly. Gud Morning!

• Alone I can only say but together we can shout, alone I can only smile but together we can laugh, alone I can only live but together we can celebrate. That's being friends.

• There is a golden bridge called friendship that spans the river of time and links our hearts together even if we walk separate roads of life.

• The loveliest day comes when u wakeup each day & find out that luv still colours ur world through friends, who truly care & never fail to remember.

• I thank the Lord for the gift of friendship where I can be myself and be accepted as I am and for finding a home in the heart of a friend.

• A lover makes you realise, 'how wonderful the world is', but its a friend who makes you realise, 'how wonderful you are!'

• True friends see u true, believe in things u want to do, feel glad when ur dreams come true. Best of all they don't judge u, they simply luv u coz u r u!

• The wrong kind of people dislike u for the gud in u & the right kind of people like u knowing even the bad in u... that makes a gud Relationship!

• I kept ur name in my Journal & posted u in the Ledger of my heart. U'll b classified as an Asset, coz ur market value as a friend never Depriciate!

• Gud relationship is like a tree. It demands attention & care in d beginning. But once it blossoms, it provides shade & protecting in all situations of Life

• A friend is not a spare tyre that u pull out when u feel life has gone flat. Friend is the steering wheel who helps u to turn ur life in the right path.

• U can buy gifts, but not luv. U can pretend to smile, but not happy. U can lie to others, but not to urself. U can have many friends, but none as sweet as me.

• A Friend is never measured by the number of times he made u laugh. But by the number of times he made u SMILE after u cried.

• Friends r like street lights along the road. They don’t make the distance any shorter but they light up the path & make the walk worthwhile!

• One beautiful heart is better than thousand beautiful faces! So, choose people having beautiful hearts rather than beautiful faces

• Wrap a rainbow of joy in ur heart, let the sun paint a smile on ur face, remove all clouds of doubt & fear and receive God's Gift of Life. Good Morning.

• Smile in pleasure... Smile in pain... Smile when trouble pours like rain... Smile when someone hurts u... Smile coz someone still loves to see u Smilinig.

• Talk happiness. Talk faith. Talk health. Say you are well, and all is well with you, and God shall hear your words and make them true. Gud Day

• If fate favours you one day and u are asked what u want to be, don't wish to be someone else because u are wonderful the way you are! Gud Day!

• Laugh at ur mistakes, but learn from them. Joke over ur troubles, but gather strength from them. Have fun with ur difficulties, but overcome them. Gud Day!

• Life's like a piano, the white keys represent happiness & black show sadness but as u go through life's journey, remember that the black keys too make music! Gud Day!

• Happiness keeps u sweet, trails make u strong, sorrows keep u Human, failure keeps u humble, success keeps u growing & God keeps u going! Have a sweet day!

• Jeevan ki har situation mein hamare paas hamesha 2 raste hote hain: Bhaag Lo (run away), or Bhaag Lo (participate). Choice is urs. Gud Morning!

• Birth was not our choice, death will not be our choice, but the way we live our life is our choice, absolutely ours! So enjoy it and have a nice day.

• Prayer is the right key to open the day and to lock the night, it also leads us the way to Gods Heart. So, don't worry and have a Gud Day!

• Never walk away from true friends. When u see some faults, be patient & realize that nobody is perfect. It's affection that matters, not perfection.

• Sometimes in life, we tend 2 run so fast that we don’t notice firends r running with us, we only notice them when we fall & they stop 2 pick us up.

• Eyes r parents, heart is lover, brain is teacher, fingers brothers & sisters, but a loving friend is blood! So, always keep flowing regularly. Gud Day!

• Art of friendship is like playing a musical instrument. First u must learn to play by rules & then u must forget the rules & play from ur Heart.

• I have opened an emotional account for u in my heart. Deposit ur friendship in it and I'll make sure that U receive the interest as long as I'm alive.

• Life means missing expected things and facing unexpected things. When u r right, no one remembers, but when u r wrong, no one forgets. Don't worry! I'm here to remember ur rights and forget ur wrongs.

• Friendship is a bridge between U n Me, when u r sad & lonely cross it, I'll wait on the other side forever & if u r afraid, just tell me, I'll cross it for U.

• Butterflies don't know the color of their wings, but human eyes know how nice it is. Like wise u don't know 'how good u are, but I know How Special U R.